Today through Dec. 22, each dollar you give in support is matched by Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA)’s CreatINg Places program.
Please donate today. Your tax-deductible support will help us further beautify our block on the near southside for people to celebrate art, poetry, and each other at our welcoming public place filled with color, light, and nature. You can also help us by sharing the word about this opportunity that also comes with fun rewards for donating.
With this project on our contemporary art campus (now with 16 artist homes and three cultural and community buildings) we’ll improve the streetscape by bringing the artist’s homes alive with color, light, and plantings. And we’ll add commissioned public art around the block (including poets and musicians as well as visual artists) as we launch a seasonal art walk series that will include the resident artists as it becomes a regular celebration for the public.
Learn more and donate at
What we’ll do with your support (often working with and paying commissioned, neighborhood, and other locally based artists):
- Paint artist houses on the block with vibrant and welcoming colors.
- Add light elements to homes and streets for night-time art walks and year-round beauty.
- Utilize a projector to show bright and colorful digital art on the side of our soon-to-be-renovated big building — visible from much of the block.
- Bring public art to surprising places on the block — like the chain-link fence around our parking lot (colorful flower mural), street sign poles (a perfect place for poems), and the dead-end barrier at the end of Cruft Street (kinetic sculpture).
- Add benches around existing trees along Cruft Street and install attractive planters for residents to use for growing food in spring.
- Install wayfinding and informational signage around the block.
- Start the first of an ongoing tradition of seasonal art walks around the entire block (winter, spring, summer, and fall) that include galleries, installations, and performances at the different artist’s homes and yards.
We hope you can join us for a donation-optional art openings and fundraiser celebration during First Friday on Dec. 2 from 6-10 p.m. at Tube Factory artspace.
Proceeds from that night will go toward this campaign. As always, we thank our friends at Sun King for their ongoing support.

If you’d prefer to write a check, please also note Patronicity in the memo. You can mail/drop your donation in person at the following address:
Big Car Collaborative
1125 Cruft Street
Indianapolis, IN 46203