
IMA Mini Golf: Dick the Bruiser

In honor of Indiana’s Bicentennial in 2016, the Indianapolis Museum of Art curated an interactive art exhibit—in the form of a full 18 hole mini golf course. The holes were conceptualized and built by artists from all over the country, including across Indiana. Each hole addressed quirky and interesting aspects of state history. The Indianapolis Star covered the project here, Indianapolis Monthly here and NUVO here.

Big Car’s Jim Walker and Brent Lehker teamed up to create the concept and design. And then Brent built this homage to Dick the Bruiser, an Indiana-born professional wrestler who rose to prominence in the 1950s and remained a popular and legendary figure for decades. The hole requires players to put the ball “right in the teeth” of the powerful Delphi, Indiana born hero. The Dick the Bruiser mini-golf hole now lives at Tube Factory and is frequently enjoyed by visitors.