
Gutzine: A Zine About Bodily Functions

Gutzine, a zine, focusing on digestion, was born to be read in the bathroom.  Developed by artist-in-residence Niina Cochran, the zine was created in conjunction with the Loo-vre bathroom gallery that she also created.  The Loo-vre bathroom gallery was housed in Big Car’s old space in Lafayette Square, but a new version of the Loo-vre and continuation of Gutzine will emerge in Big Car’s new space, Listen Hear, in Garfield Park.  A launch party for the zine was held on Sept. 2nd, 2015 at PrintText , where themed games, snacks, and music were had.  Anne Laker, the Weather Critic, and Ryan Everett Felton read their submission during the event.  The zine is currently being sold at Indy Reads Books and PrintText

Fecal Fiesta  (excerpt)

by Anne Laker

Oh poop, you’re always leavin’ me

swift as a squid, ready to scat

or slow like a chunky slug…

maybe horn-blown loud

or in snaky silence, nary a plop


Benjamin Austin

Hell hath no fury

like a puckered butthole scorned.

Exploding colon.

The Loo-vre and Gutzine were inspired by Niina’s interest in health, cooking, and the humanbiome.  Digestive health is the cornerstone of the body’s overall health and this project has allowed her to explore and learn more about her own journey to heal her body naturally.

The zine features local and international artists such as: Benjamin Austin, Nandita Batheja, John Clark, Cara Courage, Weather CriticErin Drew, Fionn Duffy, Ryan Everett Felton, Wendell Fowler, Andy Fry, Bonnie Gloris, Alan Goffinski, Tarja Kinisjärvi, Anne Laker, Shauta Marsh, John McCormick, Tracy Mishkin, Mitchell Oliver, Joseph S. Pete, Nicole Rebeck,  Marion Roger , Nathaniel Russell, Malina Simone, and Judie Sloan.

Gif created by PrintText

These projects were made possible by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

For more pictures from the launch party look here: Party Pics!