
I am Another You – Indy Fringe Festival Production

Big Car Collaborative artists wrote, produced, scored, and acted (along with others) in this original surrealist performance as part of the 2007 Indy Fringe Festival.

Here’s a review from NUVO Newsweekly’s Josefa Beyer:

I Am Another You
Four stars
Big Car, Indianapolis
Theatre on the Square (Main Stage)

This non-play, written by local poets Anna Rae Landsman, Matt Anserello and Jim Walker, beguiles with words and disconnected images in place of a storyline. Six cast members — each with face makeup decorating just one eye — exchange shims of poetry instead of dialogue, while mimicking the expressions of newfound lovers, desperate husbands and nameless citizens of a cruel world. They blend the framework, stage blocking and emotional peaks of a traditional play with fascinating mismatched words. Two women laugh, as if over coffee, when one remarks, “I enjoy almost drowning.” Later, a man laments, “There is a rabbit over the bed. I should have seen that as a sign to leave.” Another man wears a noose around his neck and gives a poetic soliloquy twice, first stuttering sadly, and then announcing it bravely. From stage left, a writer taps out rhythms on a typewriter, as the cast lines up and repeats ritualistic gestures: hand to mouth and then to head, then tapping hand over hearts. Rough cartoon images break the live action occasionally, but spoken images like “brick ships in the middle of a pelvis” and “a ruined stone” are far more memorable.

Check out cast photos here.
Watch it yourself here (in three parts):