

We conducted series of artist exchange exhibitions in Bloomington, Indy, and Iowa City. The exhibition is part of the Big Car Collective’s ongoing project to visit other cities and towns and create shows about these places from our outside perspective. Outside/In is about discovery, spontaneity and the importance of perspective and place.

Iowa City, Iowa

A project and show at Public Space One opened on May 1, 2009 in Iowa City, Iowa. The show titled “Iowa?” featured work by artists Cindy Hinant, Jeremy Efroymson, Anna Rae Landsman, Tre Reising, Todd Bracik and Jim Walker. This is part of Big Car Collective’s ongoing exchange program where Indianapolis artists go to other cities to do shows made in those cities and from those cities. Artists from Iowa City did their part of the exchange in Indianapolis in February of 2008.

Uncle Freddy’s

As part of his ongoing Outside/In project, Walker showed photos taken in Highland, IN and in Indianapolis at Uncle Freddy’s Gallery in Highland in a two-person show with local painter Jim McKern. The show opened on March 14, 2009.

Bloomington, IN (Art Hospital)

For this show, we focused on the south-Bloomington neighborhood surrounding the Art Hospital location and the town as a whole. Participants included: John Clark, Shauta Marsh, Anne Laker, Jim Walker, Matt Hale, Tre Reising, Jeremy Efroymson, Erin K. Drew, Robert Meko and NERS. Also, Normanoak performed live on the back porch. Work included photography, drawing, video, collage, installation, poetry and audio.