
Please Read Carefully: An Instruction Based Exhibition

Big Car brought Andrew Salyer’s Please Read Carefully exhibit to Indianapolis. Originally shown in Madison, Wisconsin in 2013, Please Read Carefully offered interactive artist-created instructions in Big Car’s then gallery, The Show Room. The exhibition asked you to forget your normal everyday behavior, participate, and to have fun. Big Car’s version of the exhibition featured new instructions by artists in Indianapolis and elsewhere. For the opening night of the exhibition Salyer gave a brief talk about the concept of the show.

Artists included: John Clark, Niina Cochran, Terence Trent Darby, Andy Fry, Theon Jones, Christopher Bryn Jackson, Duncan Kissinger, Eduardo Luna, John McCormick, Kevin McKelvey, Nathan Monk, Ian Oehler, Pauline Oliveros, Aryn Schounce, Jim Walker, and Max Walker.

To read the instructions that were part of the show please look here. For more documentation of the exhibition please visit here and to listen to Andrew’s talk and other performances happening that night for the Noisy Neighbors exhibition, listen here.

  • Date: December, 2014