
South Indianapolis Quality of Life

About South Indianapolis Quality of Life (SoIndy)

Big Car Collaborative is committed to the success of the SoIndy Quality of Life Plan.

As an organization always led by near southside neighbors, Big Car Collaborative served a leadership role and helped team up with other south Indy neighbors to provide community development support. For five years, Big Car was the official convener and fiscal agent of the SoIndy QOL Plan. And we’ve aligned many of our efforts to match the goals of the community as outlined in the plan that you can download here.

Read more about Big Car’s long history of artist-led community and neighborhood work on the near southside here.

Approved in 2016 by neighbors after more than a year of conversations and planning, we brought together working groups to address the needs of the south side—an area that has been overlooked for decades but features community assets like Garfield Park, Big Car’s Cruft Street cultural campus, the University of Indianapolis, Pleasant Run Greenway, and easy bike, walking, and transit access to downtown.


Residents within the boundaries of the SoIndy QOL Action Planning area (approximately 8 square miles) identified seven areas of focus: Community Building, Connectivity, Education and Work Force Development, Health and Wellness, Housing, Madison Avenue Corridor and Shelby Street Corridor – all keys to improving the quality of life.

With the Red Line bus rapid transit having opened on Shelby Street in our neighborhood in 2018 and many other exciting opportunities in the works, now is a crucial time for smart community development with leadership from within the south side.

While we still support and partner with SoIndy in many ways, in 2021 Big Car officially handed these efforts to the Southeast Neighborhood Development Development (SEND).